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Apporetum Support

Ensuring our customers success.


Your Success Is Ours

We believe that a simple and easy product is key to providing our customers with the best experience possible. We understand that our customers have busy lives and don’t want to waste time navigating through a complicated product. Our team is always eager to listen to customer feedback and we take it seriously when making updates and improvements.

If you are experiencing any issues with our products, we are here to help. Our customer support team is available to answer any questions you may have and provide assistance in resolving any issues. We strive to make the process as simple and hassle-free as possible. Please make sure that any tickets you raise will be subject to the terms outlined in your Support Package.

people understanding your requirements

How we support your ongoing success

Our support team is dedicated to providing word-class support for our products. They cover a wide range of needs, including deployment, troubleshooting, workarounds, software patches, and access to a comprehensive learning and documentation. Your ongoing support should be tailored to suit your specific Service Model and existing internal support arrangements.

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Support & Maintenance

Formal Contractual arrangements for the support and maintenance of product functionality, available in ‘right-size/ right-fit’ for our customers.

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Technical Account Manager

Dedicated technical advisory services to ensure your organisation maximises the value of your Apporetum investment.

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Learning & Documentation

Resources, guides & training material to facilitate the adoption of Apporetum and the ongoing uptake of new features and adoption of best practice.

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Custom Solutions

Our support to uplift the existing Apporetum features to meet your bespoke business needs are available on request.

Feature Requests

Support to bring forward Apporetum features on the development roadmap. If you need a new feature urgently, please reach out to discuss.

Managed Services

Proactive management, maintenance & sustainment activities for your installation of Apporetum. We become an extension to your team.

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How we support your adoption of Apporetum

We recognise that sometimes it is just more efficient to get the experts in to assist you in getting started.

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Deployment Support

Support during deployment can be provided by the Apporetum Support Team. This helps get your capability up and running quickly.


Support to ensure smooth functioning & address any issues or challenges that may arise immediately after the go-live.

Pilot Support

Support during your pilot of Apporetum can be provided by an Apporetum Partner or the Apporetum Support Team.

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